Griffin Hill | Achieve More

How Much of Your Sales Pipeline is Fake Data?

Written by Tanner Prince | Aug 28, 2020 10:21:41 PM


How Much of Your Sales Pipeline is Fake Data?

CRMs are a fantastic technology that helps manage sales teams and sales funnels.  What many sales team leaders don’t realize is that CRMs are only as good as the data that’s in them.

Record the wrong data points and your CRM will misrepresent the truth of your sales pipeline. 

If you’re recording activity only, you can never know whether those cases are fake data.  The following risk being fake data:

  • number of calls
  • doors knocked
  • contacts made
  • or number of sales and results

With just these numbers, you can never know whether the data is old and dead or a true representation of what is happening.  Making decisions with this information will lead to inaccurate and inflated forecasts and sales goals.

The way you take control of your sales pipeline and start setting the right goals for your sales team is by focusing your record keeping on a KPI that tracks movement: The Schedule Next Event Play

The Schedule Next Event Play involves four steps that take place at the end of each action or meeting in your sales process.

  1. Establish a purpose
  2. Set a time
  3. Set a date
  4. Set a location

Make sure that the time, date, and location are all certain at the end of the meeting.

Scheduling the next event prevents you from recording fake data by shifting your focus towards up-and-coming actions rather than actions that have already happened.

“Because we’re switching the focus from backward activity to forward momentum, now we know how things are truly processing in the sales pipeline.” – Cameron Baird, Griffin Hill COO

Read our eBook to learn more about how you can apply these principles. We’ll also give you access to some tech tools that will help you keep track of real data and get rid of the fake data bogging you down.

Discover how to revolutionize your pipeline.