Griffin Hill | Achieve More

Foundations of the High Performance Journal

Written by Support | Mar 15, 2016 8:00:46 AM

Any student of the Griffin Hill Integrity Sales System is aware that good questions have power. Questions shape the thoughts, ideas, and conclusions of sales suspects and prospects. The Integrity Sales System is filled with opportunities to ask great questions.

Less familiar, but deeply embedded in the system are intent questions like the one used in the Insurance Play: “Will you promise me that before you buy from anyone else, you’ll talk to me first?” All the research demonstrates that such a question forms intent in the mind and heart of a prospect. Statistics show that prospects who make such a promise, keep their promise.

Questions affect behavior.

That’s why good questions are one of the main skills in the salesperson’s bag of tools. However, few people realize that good questions are also one of the great secrets to elevating personal performance. Good questions can shape intent, facilitate the research process, and serve as the foundation for setting and achieving personal and organizational goals.

A recent report by Spanenberg et al (2015) reviewed more than 100 studies related to the topic of the so-called Question-Behavior Effect. Researchers concluded that asking questions about certain target behaviors influenced the future performance of that behavior. In light of the conclusions of this multi-university study, the power of critical thinking in elevating goal oriented behavior becomes clear. Many of the studies used by Spanenberg and his team, including the Question-Behavior Effect form the foundation for the theory promoting the Griffin Hill High Performance Journal (HPJ).

As the Spanenberg et al study confirmed, written declarations evoke higher levels of adherence to the promised behavior. The High Performance Journal (HPJ) asks you the right questions that lead you to answers. The High Performance Journal stimulates deep processing of information and ideas in the Reflect and Write section of the journal. In processing, the writer will answer the most important question: “In order to accomplish my desired outcome, what will I do?”

The pattern of critical thinking stimulated in users of the Griffin Hill High Performance Journal helps them to formulate their own goals, make commitments to engage correct behavior, and hold themselves accountable using the self-report section of the journal. The self-report and accountability aspects of the journal further stimulate the deep mental processes of evaluation. Evaluation begins by reporting on positive performance—what went well, followed by one or more things that could be improved. In this way the performer learns from successful performance as well as from stumbles. Finally, based on the performance outcome, the journal writer scores his performance on 5 dimensions of achievement.

The critical thinker using the Griffin Hill High Performance Journal will be able to select a desired outcome more easily. The desired outcome is mobilized by declaring at least one but no more than three action items. These action items express the will and commitment to behave with a goal orientation.

Goal orientation is reinforced by accountability. When the performer evaluates behavior in terms of things that went well, followed by a single opportunity to improve, performer commitment and ability are elevated.

Great questions elevate persuasive power. Persuasive power can be used to influence ourselves as well as others. We can use questions to form personal intent, improve individual behavior and elevate personal results.

Whether you are a beginning achiever or an advanced strategist, a formal pattern of self-inquiry can elevate your performance. The research proves it. So today’s question:

Will you investigate the power of the Griffin Hill High Performance Journal? Click here for yes.