Griffin Hill | Achieve More

How Can You Set SMARTER Goals?

Written by Support | Aug 11, 2020 9:44:42 PM


A Guide to Boost Performance for Teams and Leaders


Griffin Hill developed the SMARTER goal-achieving program by compiling and perfecting several groundbreaking methodologies.

What does SMARTER stand for?

Specific: Learn to set the right type of goal; this involves knowing the frequency of actions to take, at the right intensity and duration.

Measurable: Don’t discourage yourself with the kind of perfectionism that creates a completely black and white, do or die, succeed or fail scenario. Learn to set a range of acceptable outcomes so that you feel successful even while retaining a growth mindset   for yourself to lower the mental barrier of unrealistic expectations.

Attainable: Focus on incremental achievement and step-by-step improvement. With the help of the Griffin Hill’s evaluation tools, you’ll feel real-time improvement as you make today better than yesterday, this week better than last week, this month better than last month, and this year better than last year, and so on.

Relevant: Think about this in two parts—what goals are relevant to your end goal, and what actionable steps are relevant to those goals?

Time-bound: Set a deadline. Consider this a counterbalance to the rest of the Griffin Hill process—while most of these steps have been revamped toward ease of engagement, this one adds just a bit of accountability to the equation. Nothing like a little deadline to get the blood pumping and the motivation flowing.

Evaluate: Learn to make a habit out of looking back on your journey for areas in need of improvement, as well as moments worth celebrating. Quick, daily evaluations keep the process from becoming daunting, and longer periodic evaluations help when realignment is necessary.

Record: Write it down, but KEEP IT SIMPLE! Complicated sophisticated tracking systems only add barriers to your improvement. Let us help you take those barriers down.

By following SMARTER, you set your company up to achieve the next level of performance you’ve been striving for.  Griffin Hill gives you the tools, programs, and strategies you need to implement aggressive improvements that will transform your organization.