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How to Improve Sales Success


Top performers and high achievers share an attribute that separates them from the ordinary. They have a goal orientation. Sales is no different. A goal orientation that drives attitudes and behaviors is fundamental to the top 1% of sales professionals.

Griffin Hill customers know that two essential elements for success are a will to succeed and a system for doing so. The top 1% of performers apply their will to succeed by setting and achieving goals. Setting and achieving goals becomes increasingly meaningful to sales people who regularly measure their activity and results. A sales person keeping track of call statistics can tell you how many dials it takes on average to actually reach a suspect, and how many suspect calls it takes to get a real prospect. They can tell you what percentage of needs audits actually result in a close.

Without measurement there is no foundation for honest goal setting. It follows that if you want to improve sales success, if you want to be a top performer, if you want to be among the elite achievers, making measurement a part of your daily regimen is essential. Once you know your numbers, it is a simple matter to engineer your way to sales success.

The simple process of assigning points to steps in the sales process helps Griffin Hill clients to become master goal setters. Sales people can set goals to improve productivity, enhance sales skills, and secure more closes and higher revenue. All three categories of measurement; productivity, proficiency, and performance outcomes are essential if you want to join that elite group of performers at the very top.

Some good productivity measurements worth tracking include total number of points earned (where points are awarded for advancement of an opportunity in the sales process) and active cases counts (defined by the number of prospects with whom you have an actual next scheduled event). A good measure of skill would be the close/needs audit ratio. Imagine what would happen if you improved your skill and closed 10% more of your needs audit opportunities. Some great performance outcome metrics include number of points to close and revenue per point.

Sometimes people get anxious about being measured. The truth is measurement is the only sure road to improving personal productivity, skill and results. Measurement is the solid foundation of honest goal setting. The attribute that separates the top 1% of achievers from everyone else is their goal orientation. They choose a system that will get them to the top and they exert their will to improve productivity, proficiency and performance outcomes. You can do it too.

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