Griffin Hill | Achieve More

Measurement and Metrics

Written by Support | Jul 27, 2016 6:51:43 PM

Measurement is broken. For all the technology we have developed, there still seems to be serious issues when it comes to how we evaluate our success. When it comes to sales, usually one measures engagements and then skips to the measurement of closed deals. But everything in between those two stages – the actual selling – has no measurement at all. Unfortunately, pit falls of goal measurement are numerous and erode goal oriented behavior.

I once knew someone who, in High School, struggled with getting good grades. He was a brilliant young man and although his grades weren’t perfect, he generally had good scores. I never expected to see him on report card day because he was usually in his house, being punished for any grade that was seen as inadequate to his parents. However, with each punishment, it seemed that his grades only got lower, rather than higher like his parents expected them to. The only thing that was growing was his apathy towards his performance.

This case is baffling, but not unusual. His parents were following the true principle that a goal will only be met if there is accountability to reach it. As a student he was accountable to his teachers. As a son he was accountable to his parents. But for all his accountability, there was no progress to show for it. However, this common behavioral pattern is both predictable and correctable. In the science of human psychology, we know that mistakes in decisions about goals is the single contributing factor of human incompetence. In the case of my good friend, the mistake was his parent’s decision to give unnecessary attention to the bad grades, while failing to celebrate the achievements on the report card.

In order to achieve, one needs to measure metrics appropriate for their goal. Never underestimate the power of metrics. You will be empowered as you follow correct principles to choose which metrics to measure. It is not only how you measure metrics, but what metrics you measure that guarantee success. When any skill set is measured, that skill set becomes more powerful! Griffin Hill helps you learn which metrics you should set, as well as how to measure them. By following correct measurement principles, you will be able to achieve your goals more quickly and with greater results. Take a look into more about the Griffin Hill theory of measurement by clicking here.