Griffin Hill | Achieve More

Patience Pays Big Bucks

Written by Support | Sep 7, 2016 9:37:52 PM

Patience is universally dwindling. With fast food, self-service checkout lines, text messaging, and instant video chat, it is easy to become victim to the falsehood that success is also instant. This is not the case. James Lawrence, aka Iron Cowboy, taught at SMARTcon last year that success comes from mastering the small things over time. He encouraged us “to reach the impossible by consistently doing hard things.”

The principle of patiently mastering the basics can be found in practice everywhere. Vince Lombardi, one of the most famous sports coaches, mastered patience and taught it to his team. Although they were a group of highly seasoned athletes, he began with the basics. As he spoke to them for the first time, he showed them a football and said: “This is a football.” This team, by mastering the basics, eventually managed to become the grand victor of the NFL with an unforgettable score of 37 – 0. The basics had proven significant to winning the game. (1)

A more modern example comes from the recent phenomenon: Pokémon Go. This smartphone app took America by storm July 7th and in less than a month has over fifty million downloads. The creator, John Hanke, said the Pokémon Go augmented reality game was not an overnight sensation, but rather, a work 20 years in progress. The effort included other technological and seemingly unrelated steps, like the development of Google Earth. Yet, through patient perseverance and constant action, Niantic, the company behind Pokemon Go, has now earned an estimated 16 million dollars on their free app via in-game purchases in less than a month. (2)

Success is not a cheap experience. It cannot be ordered on the dollar menu. Those who take advantage of the Griffin Hill systems learn that by doing what nobody else is, they will later be able to gain unprecedented success. Alex Gloeckner from Moreton & Company said this was his experience. He followed Griffin Hill systems and now is succeeding like never before. These kind of incredible results can be yours. Griffin Hill, coupled with patience, will strengthen you to achieve like never before. Learn how you can here.


