Griffin Hill | Achieve More

SMARTcon Press Release

Written by Support | Sep 1, 2015 5:02:56 PM


Kim Christensen
Griffin Hill


Provo, Utah, September 24th – SMARTcon occurs on Thursday September 24th in Utah Valley Convention Center in beautiful downtown Provo. Starts at 7:00am and with your registration you get continental breakfast and lunch. SMARTcon is Utah’s sales, marketing and technology conference. It is a single day packed with education on the latest ideas to grow revenue and to protect your business. SMART Con is about sharing secrets to cracking the Sales and Marketing code. Industry leaders of sales marketing and technology have gathered to help businesses and individuals achieve success. Gain immediately implementable knowledge to increase leads and convert leads to dollars!
SMARTcon is the best networking event in the history of Utah. That is a big statement—but it’s true and let me tell you why. Three features unique to SMARTcon will help you make it an effective networking experience. First, The Coaching Corner. The Coaching Corner provides opportunity to have meaningful conversations about topics, techniques and technologies that are of mutual interest. The Coaching Corner of SMARTcon makes conversation and connection normal, natural and useful. Second, one of our SMARTcon partners is Innovative Corporate Events. They specialize in effective networking events and will be applying their unique skill at SMARTcon. Finally, the people in attendance are business owners, sales professionals, marketing and technology specialists. All have an interest in expanding connections and helping each other. Best networking event ever! SMARTcon, Utah’s Sales, Marketing and Technology conference. To learn how to be a successful networker, go to

ABOUT Griffin Hill

Griffin Hill is the human and organizational performance company™. We believe that high performance is the outcome of systematic adherence to natural law. Our systems provide ways for leaders and employees to attend to the principles that govern success. Adherence to natural laws and high leverage activities help our clients see rapid, substantial, and sustainable revenue growth.
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