Griffin Hill | Achieve More

SMARTcon: Write it Down

Written by Support | Oct 21, 2015 8:00:52 AM

We saw so many individuals attend SMARTcon this last September and walk away with action items they could use to build up their business. It was an event unlike any other and began with a bang as Dr. Scott Baird from Griffin Hill began the conference.

He spoke about several important topics and shared great insights concerning success. One that he brought up multiple times was the importance of taking action. This is absolutely essential because this is the means of transferring knowledge gained into skill. Throughout the conference, individuals received the invitation to take something they heard from the discussion that pierced their heart and write it down. The conference went into a period of solemn silence as individuals wrote down things that meant something to them. Then, Dr. Baird instructed them to write down something they were going to do about it.

Therein lies a principle of deep import found throughout SMARTcon and The Griffin Hill Integrity Sales System. Actions that are written down are more powerful. Once knowledge has gone from the recesses of our minds to text on a page, we gain deeper understanding of what we just heard. As individuals took notes at SMARTcon, they walked away, not just with great quotes, but with things that they could do!

Studies have been done assessing the relationship between actually writing a goal down and accomplishing that goal. It is definite and absolute in the results. Those who write down their goals accomplish more than those who do not. The art of using a journal has been proven to improve mental and physical health as well! To put it very simply, writing down thoughts, ideas, and feelings is a good idea.

As you use our High Performance Sales Journals you will excel! Use that tool! Use it often. You can find action items every single day if you seek them. SMARTcon was one opportunity to do so. If you were unable to attend SMARTcon, you too can still walk away with action items! Click here to learn more about SMARTcon and reserve your tickets today!