Griffin Hill | Achieve More

System: More Closes. More Customers. More Commissions.

Written by Cameron Baird | October 23, 2015

Let's be brutally honest: hitting those extensive commission checks doesn't happen by accident. Winging it, hoping for the best... those strategies lead to unpredictable income, burnout, and a sinking feeling that you're working too hard for mediocre results. You need a system to thrive in sales and truly enjoy this career's rewards. That's the not-so-secret weapon that gives top producers an unfair advantage.

The Griffin Hill's Integrity Sales System isn't just a bunch of tactics; it's a comprehensive, proven framework. It has a power that might surprise even seasoned sales veterans – the ability to create a sense of urgency with prospects, leading to faster decision-making and a steadier stream of closed deals.

Think of it like this:  Sales is all about timing. If your pitch is perfect but your prospect isn't ready to buy, that's a wasted effort. Our system helps you align your approach with the buyer's decision-making process, maximizing your impact.

You might think, "Okay, but how does this system create that sense of urgency? Customers take their own sweet time!" And that's where things get interesting.


Decoding the System: How It Works

While the entire Integrity Sales System is designed with this in mind, let's focus on a few key elements that help speed up the sales cycle:

  • The Power of the Perfect Benefit: A generic "we're the best" pitch isn't going to light any fires. Have you mastered crafting a benefit statement that's ultra-specific to the prospect's pain points and honestly addresses the "Why should I care right NOW?" question? Example:  Instead of a vague "we increase efficiency," it's something like "last quarter, a similar client saved 15 hours per employee per week thanks to our solution. What could you do with that extra time?"
  • Strategic Scheduling: The "Schedule the Next Event" play is crucial. Letting weeks go by kills momentum. Our system helps you keep things moving at the right pace, neither pushy nor passive.
  • Questions that Matter: Asking the right questions at the right time uncovers hidden deadlines ("We must address this before the end of the quarter...") which you can factor into your "Reframe" and "Validation" plays to boost urgency. Example: "You mentioned your team is overwhelmed. If you implement a solution three months from now, that's three more months of lost productivity. Is that acceptable?"
  • Addressing Real Consequences: Sometimes, prospects get stuck in comfortable procrastination because they don't fully grasp the cost of doing nothing. Our system gives you tools to tactfully reframe the situation, making the benefits of taking action and action now crystal clear.


Elevate Your Sales Game with Strategic Benefit Statements

Crafting benefit statements directly addressing your prospect's pain points and urgent needs is a game-changer. Instead of vague promises, offer specific solutions that showcase the immediate value of your product or service. Mastering this skill within the Integrity Sales System will ignite a sense of urgency and drive faster decision-making among your prospects.


Timing Is Everything: The Art of Strategic Scheduling

Don't let the momentum fade away! Learn how to schedule and pace your interactions strategically to keep the sales process moving forward without being pushy. Our system guides you on when and how to schedule the next event, ensuring you maintain engagement and urgency throughout the sales cycle.


Uncover Hidden Deadlines with Strategic Questions

Effective questioning isn't just about gathering information; it's about uncovering hidden deadlines and motivating prospects to act now. By asking the right questions at the right time, you'll reveal time-sensitive needs and create urgency by highlighting the consequences of inaction. Mastering this skill amplifies your influence and accelerates deal closures.


Common Mistakes That Kill Urgency

It's not just about learning the system; it's about avoiding these traps that sabotage the best of intentions:

  • Getting Too Cozy: Being nice is good; being a pushover isn't. Don't get trapped in endless "friendly" calls with no forward movement.
  • Fear of "No": Every salesperson sometimes has this, but top performers learn to manage it.   Remember, sometimes a quick "no" lets you focus on more promising prospects.
  • Winging the Follow-Up: "Just checking in" emails won't cut it. Our system gives you a structure for follow-ups that add value and nudge things forward.


The Power of Consistent Execution: Turning Skills into Success

While the Griffin Hill Integrity Sales System provides the roadmap, your consistent application of these skills is the secret ingredient to success. Through continuous practice and refinement, develop unwavering confidence, efficient time management, and adept objection-handling abilities. When you fully commit to mastering the system, you unlock a world of long-term growth and fulfillment in sales.


Reframe Objections and Emphasize Real Consequences

Address objections head-on by reframing them as opportunities for mutual problem-solving. Our system equips you with tools to tactfully highlight the real consequences of delaying action, compelling prospects to recognize the immediate benefits of moving forward. This reframing technique boosts urgency and positions you as a trusted advisor focused on delivering value.


The Secret Ingredient: Your Skill

The Griffin Hill Integrity Sales System provides the roadmap. But here's the thing: Your consistent application and refinement of those skills make the magic happen. When you're genuinely committed to understanding and executing the system, several amazing things happen:

  1. Confidence Soars: Ditch the doubt. When you trust the process, that energy is contagious, and prospects respond.
  2. Time Management Superpower: A transparent system reduces wasted effort. You'll close more, with less of that desperate scramble that leads to burnout.
  3. Objection Ninja: Our system teaches you how to handle pushback without being pushy. You become an advisor, not a pest.


The Payoff: More Than Just Money

Sure, a surge in commission checks is fantastic. However, consistent success in sales is about much more than just your short-term bank account. Genuinely mastering a system like ours transforms everything:

  • Respect: Clients, colleagues, and even competitors see you differently. You're the one they go to for advice, not just because you know your product but because you understand their challenges.
  • Freedom: Predictable income means more choices – not just financially, but the ability to pick the right clients, fire the difficult ones, and shape the kind of business you want.
  • Satisfaction: Helping more people and ethically leading them to solutions. That's way more fulfilling than just "making the sale" by any means necessary.
  • Long-Term Growth: Top performers aren't born; they're made. This system doesn't just boost your immediate success; it sets you up for leadership roles and bigger opportunities. The sky's the limit when you have this skill set!


Success Stories: Seeing the System in Action

The proof is in the results. Let's look at a couple of Griffin Hill clients who transformed their approach using our system:

  • Sarah, the Solopreneur: Initially, Sarah sold based on passion but felt stuck because she always chased new leads instead of building lasting relationships. Our framework helped her focus on high-quality prospects and shorten her sales cycle.   Now, she has more repeat clients and referrals, allowing her business to scale without causing burnout.
  • The Expanding Sales Team: This company had a decent product but inconsistent results across their team. Some reps were doing well, while others struggled. Implementing the Griffin Hill system gave them a shared language and standardized processes and leveled the playing field. Morale improved, less experienced reps learned from the stars, and their overall close rate skyrocketed.

Your Turn: Picture Your Success

Imagine this:

  • We are closing deals without feeling sleazy or desperate.
  • Building a pipeline so entire that you can afford to be selective about who you work with.
  • They are having clients seek you out because your reputation as a problem-solver precedes you.
  • You are earning the income that reflects your actual value, finally getting ahead financially.

That's not some fantasy; it's what happens when you decide to invest in yourself and proven sales methodologies.


Ready to Transform Your Results?

The Griffin Hill Integrity Sales System is your path to building that consistent pipeline, crushing sales goals, and reaching the next level in your career. We help you supercharge your skills, refine your process, and close more deals without resorting to sleazy tactics that compromise your integrity. Schedule a free consultation with John of Griffin Hill or contact us at (801) 225-7000.