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10 Subject Lines For Follow Up Emails

Dr. Scott O. Baird
October 18, 2024

 Follow Up


Because it is the first thing your targeted recipient sees, the email subject line is the most important part of your email. If your subject line is not brilliant, it is the ONLY thing about your email they will see. If the subject line doesn’t do its job, your email will remain unopened, ignored, weak, and ineffective. Boost the quality of your subject line, and you improve the efficacy of your email campaign. 

You just can’t afford to have a follow-up email get lost in the crush of the inbox. The very purpose of followup is to further engagement with your suspects and prospects. 

This list provides examples of subject lines related to follow-up emails. You may also want to look at lists that stimulate sales and promotion, or that stand out using fear of missing out.

Reviewing lists that model best practices (and worst practices), can stimulate your creativity. It can help you get to ‘brilliant’ faster.

The ebook, From Boring to Brilliant Transform Your Email Open Rates with These Subject Line Tips, provides useful information and instructional guidance about creating subject lines. It includes 5 essential principles related to email subject line creation. It also provides 13 suggestions for developing better email subject lines. Suggestions are ranked in order of importance. You can choose two or three suggestions that will give you the most impact and get started improving your email marketing results right away!


10 Subject Lines For Follow Up Emails


  1. "Following Up on Our Recent Conversation"
  2. "Quick FollowUp Let’s Keep the Momentum Going"
  3. "Touching Base After Our Meeting"
  4. "Next Steps and FollowUp Details"
  5. "Re Our Discussion—Action Items Inside"
  6. "Checking In Any Updates on Your End?"
  7. "Did You Have a Chance to Review?"
  8. "Reminder Let’s Schedule That FollowUp"
  9. "Following Up on Your Inquiry"
  10. "Your Feedback Is Valued—Let’s Connect"

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Because it is the first thing your targeted recipient sees, the email subject line is the most important part of your email. If your subject line is not brilliant, it is the ONLY thing about your email they will see. If the subject line doesn’t do its job, your email will remain unopened, ignored, weak, and ineffective. Boost the quality of your subject line, and you improve the efficacy of your email campaign. 

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Thank you

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