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Focus on the Suspect

Cameron Baird
April 09, 2010
Focus on the Suspect - Griffin Hill

Have you ever noticed how a captivating conversation can shift the focus from you to the other person, leaving them wanting to learn more? That's the magic of the Benefit Play in sales! It's the moment you transition from simply introducing yourself and your company to zeroing in on what truly matters: the needs and aspirations of your potential customer, often called the "suspect." This shift transforms a one-sided pitch into a genuine and engaging dialogue.

But simply saying, "Hey, let's talk about you!" isn't enough. The Benefit Play must be a well-crafted lure to capture the suspect's attention. It's about dangling something valuable in front of them, something that sparks their curiosity and makes them want to take the bait.

Why the Benefit Play Matters: Beyond Introductions

Think back to the last time you met someone new. The initial moments involve introductions and establishing rapport – pretty standard. You learn their name and company and maybe a bit about what they do. But at this point, the focus is still on them. The Benefit Play changes that dynamic. It's the bridge that redirects the conversation towards the suspect. It acknowledges their unique situation and hints at how your offerings can address their needs.

Beyond introductions, the Benefit Play is a pivotal moment where the conversation shifts from surface-level pleasantries to meaningful engagement. It signals to the suspect that you're not just interested in talking about yourself or your company, but you're focused on understanding their specific challenges and objectives.

By highlighting the potential benefits of your offerings to their needs, you demonstrate empathy and a genuine desire to add value. This shift in focus deepens the connection between you and the suspect and lays the groundwork for a more productive and mutually beneficial conversation.

The Power of Desire: Tailoring the Bait

Imagine you're chatting with a group of people at a beach party. You decide to offer a free fishing trip. While some might be intrigued, others who find pure relaxation in sunbathing wouldn't be particularly interested, even if the fish are plentiful.

Here's where tailoring comes in. The key is understanding the individual's desires. If tranquility is their goal, focus on the serenity of being on the water, escaping the daily grind. For the avid angler, it's about the thrill of the hunt – the strategic selection of bait, the anticipation of the first bite, and the fight to reel in the catch.


Crafting the Offer: It's All About Value

This illustration highlights the importance of crafting a desirable offer. For the beach lover, it caters to their desire for relaxation. For the angler, it's the potential for a challenging catch and the satisfaction of victory. The offer must be clear, enticing, and relevant to the individual's needs.

However, remember – the Benefit Play shouldn't be a direct pitch. Pushing too hard at this early stage can scare the suspect away. Instead, the offer should showcase "vicarious value." This means demonstrating the benefits you've delivered to existing customers facing similar challenges. By mentioning how you've helped others achieve their goals, you subtly imply the potential to replicate that success for the suspect. This vicarious value creates a sense of trust and builds a foundation for further engagement.


Beyond the Hook: Building on the Benefit Play

The Benefit Play is just the initial spark. Once you've showcased vicarious value and piqued the suspect's interest, the following steps become crucial:

  • Asking Questions: Now that you better understand the Benefit Play, you can delve deeper with targeted questions. This lets you uncover the suspect's specific needs, challenges, and aspirations in greater detail.
  • Framing the Problem: Based on your understanding, help the suspect clearly articulate their problem and its impact on their business. By drawing a clear picture, you position yourself as someone who understands their situation and can offer a solution.
  • Introducing the Solution (Subtly): With a solid grasp of the problem, you can now subtly hint at how your solutions might address it. Avoid an outright sales pitch at this stage. Instead, pique their curiosity and inspire them to learn more about how you can help.


The Art of Persuasion: Beyond the Benefit Play

The Benefit Play serves as a crucial starting point in the sales conversation. It's a persuasive technique that shifts the focus onto the suspect, piques their interest, and establishes a foundation for trust. But remember, it's just the first step. By strategically asking questions, framing the problem, and subtly introducing potential solutions, you can build on the momentum generated by the Benefit Play and pave the way for a successful sales interaction.


Additional Considerations: Tailoring the Benefit Play for Different Scenarios

The effectiveness of the Benefit Play can be further enhanced by tailoring it to specific scenarios. Here are some additional tips:

  • Cold Calling: When making a cold call, the information about the suspect might be limited. In such cases, Benefit Play can focus on common pain points experienced within their industry, sparking a conversation by highlighting a relatable challenge.
  • Existing Relationships: When dealing with existing clients, the Benefit Play can shift towards addressing new challenges since your last interaction. This demonstrates your ongoing commitment to their success.
  • Strategic Partnerships: When approaching potential partners, the Benefit Play can focus on the mutually beneficial aspects of collaboration. Highlight how your offerings can complement theirs, creating a solution more significant than the sum of its parts.


Beyond Words: Effective Delivery of the Benefit Play

Delivery plays a critical role in the success of the Benefit Play. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  • Enthusiasm and Conviction: Let your passion for the value you offer shine through! A confident and enthusiastic delivery inspires trust and sets the tone for a positive interaction.
  • Active Listening: While crafting the Benefit Play, actively listen to the suspect's responses during introductions and any preliminary questions. This allows you to adapt the offer on the fly, ensuring its relevance to their needs.
  • Body Language: Maintain open and positive body language. Avoid crossed arms or a closed posture, which can be intimidating. Eye contact demonstrates your engagement and sincerity.


Beyond the Initial Interaction: Keeping the Momentum Going

The Benefit Play is the start of a conversation, not the end. Following a successful Benefit Play, here's how to maintain the momentum:

  • Transitioning Smoothly: After piquing the suspect's interest, ensure a smooth transition into the next phase of the conversation. Ask open-ended questions to encourage them to elaborate on their situation and challenges.
  • Building Rapport: Create a sense of connection with the suspect. Find common ground, share relevant anecdotes (if appropriate), and demonstrate your understanding of their perspective. This helps build trust and fosters a collaborative environment.
  • Obtaining Commitment: The ultimate goal is to secure a commitment from the suspect to take the next step, whether it's a follow-up meeting, a product demonstration, or a proposal. However, avoid being overly pushy. Allow the natural progression of the conversation to lead towards a next step that feels comfortable for both parties.


The Benefit Play as a Catalyst for Success

The Benefit Play is a powerful sales tool beyond a simple introduction. It's a strategic shift that places the customer (not the suspect!) in the spotlight, highlighting their needs and desires. By crafting a compelling offer that showcases vicarious value, you can entice the customer to engage further. 

However, the Benefit Play is just one piece of the puzzle. Effective questioning, problem framing, and subtle solution introductions build on the initial spark, ultimately leading to a successful sales interaction. Remember, the art of sales is an ongoing conversation, and the Benefit Play plays a crucial role in laying the foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship where everyone wins! John of Griffin Hill is ready to transform your business. Click now to book your free consultation and start your journey to success.

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