Griffin Hill | Achieve More

Iron Cowboy: Doing the Little Things

Written by Support | October 19, 2015

SMARTcon was a unique event, with opportunities both to network and to learn from the best and brightest minds in business. However, for those who were able to attend, there was a special treat in being able to see America’s own Iron Cowboy, James Lawrence. James successfully completed 50 Iron Man competitions in 50 States in 50 days. It was exciting and inspiring to hear directly from him about his experience in accomplishing this amazing feat of physical prowess.

While speaking, he brought up a point that made an impact to those who attended. Naturally, when people heard about this seemingly impossible goal, they asked the Iron Cowboy: “How did you do it?” To which he strongly replied, “Do a lot of things consistently over a long period of time.”

Now, think about that! People out there in the world – regardless of their field – succeed, based on their efforts, consistently done through a long period of time. They don’t have the success gene from birth. They don’t get to where they are overnight. They aren’t simply chosen by fate to be good at what they do.

Many individuals gradually become frustrated because they believe they don’t have the time or the means to do what they dreamed of doing. We all come to those moments when it seems that our vision of the future is not, nor ever will be, our reality. The message the Iron Cowboy gave to us was that we can do anything we set our minds to! No matter what our life’s work or goals, if we consistently do the little things, we will begin to catch the vision that the impossible actually is possible. We will catch the vision that destiny is not a matter of chance; It is a matter of choice.

Seeing the Iron Cowboy was incredible for those who attended SMARTcon and interacted with him, but that chance is not lost! Head over to the SMARTcon site and get your tickets reserved today! Consider it the first of the little things you can do today to get to where you want to go!