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I love Linkedin


I just sent this message to my Linkedin connections. It represents my desire and intent to be a good member of the LinkedIn community. The sentiment applies to all of our Griffin Hill business connections and customers. I am here to help.

I love LinkedIn. What a great technology to help us “link-up” with personal and professional associates. Linking is great and it is a first step to making and sustaining connections that can be mutually synergistic. I am committed to use LinkedIn to serve the people to whom I am connected. If I can provide an introduction for you, I am willing. If I can introduce new ideas or old ideas that have real substance and power, I will do it. If I can share a tool or a technology that might help you, I am hungry to be of value.

Sometimes my sharing will be individual and sometimes it will be global. Sometimes I will pass along an idea or product that someone else shared with me. It might be something that I recently happened upon. Like Shaving oil. Seriously, who knew that an old school technology like shaving oil could produce a smoother shave than any shaving cream I have used in my entire facial hair growing life. I love it! Try it out and let me know what you think.

Not every product or idea will be meaningful or useful to you but my intent is to help. Because I am sincerely passionate about achievement, human and organizational performance, and all things elevating to the human mind and condition, I will share ideas, products and opportunities from Griffin Hill, the firm I founded three decades ago. I share one of those opportunities with you now—its SMARTcon. SMARTcon is Utah’s Sales, Marketing and Technology Conference. Over the next week or so, I will share several different aspects of SMARTcon that make it a SMART choice.

The part of SMARTcon that I always get excited about is the addition of incredible talent like James Lawrence from 2015 and Stephen M.R. Covey from 2016. As a human performance scientist I love stories of great achievements. Besides the great breakfast and lunch and the opportunity to network with sales, marketing and technology professionals, meeting and being inspired by people like the Iron Cowboy and Stephen M.R. Covey is definitely worth the price of admission!



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The Griffin Hill Guide to Effective Sales Prospecting - Griffin Hill
Dr. Scott O. Baird

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