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Position Yourself For Success

Cameron Baird
September 30, 2014
Position Yourself For Success - Griffin Hill

In the sales world, positioning is everything. It's about how you present yourself, your product, and the unique value you offer. Think of it like planting a flag: if you don't boldly stake your claim, someone else will, or worse, you'll end up overlooked entirely. Let's dive into how you can strategically position yourself to leave a lasting impression and win big.


The Art of Staking Your Claim

Here are two fundamental principles behind strong positioning:

  • Make Your Mark:  If you don't clearly define your offer and why it's the best solution, potential customers won't see it either. Proactively claim your expertise!
  • Own Your Position: When you clearly articulate your value, and no one directly challenges it, your position becomes solidified. Confidence here is contagious!


Case Study: The Shampoo Giants

Remember that dandruff shampoo that instantly pops into your head? Head and Shoulders, right? They didn't become synonymous with dandruff solutions by accident. Procter & Gamble spent a fortune establishing themselves as the authority in the space. Even with competitors, they can maintain their lead with less aggressive advertising because their position is well-established.


Positioning in Action: Beyond Physical Products

The "staking your claim" mentality applies to far more than just tangible goods. Consider these examples:

  • Job Seekers: During interviews, instead of vaguely stating you're "good at problem-solving," give quantified examples of obstacles you've overcome, showing how you deliver results. A hiring manager is more impressed by "increased sales efficiency by 15%" than a generic statement.
  • Freelancers: Highlight your niche. Are you the go-to person for tech startups, or do you specialize in creative copywriting for sustainable brands? Defining this attracts the right clients and allows you to charge premium rates.
  • Sales Teams: Don't just be another company offering widgets. Become known as the experts who solve a unique pain point for a specific type of customer. Did you streamline a complex process for other businesses, saving them hours every week? That's your claim!


How to Craft Your Uncontested Position

A strong Positioning Play includes these elements:

  1. Problem Identification: What exact challenges does your ideal customer face? The more specific, the better! A generic "we boost productivity" is less powerful than "we help overwhelmed small business owners regain 10 hours a week."
  2. Solution Articulation: How does your product/service solve that problem? Don't just list features; focus on their benefits.
  3. Your Differentiator: What makes you truly different? Is it your approach, your experience, your superior results? Pinpoint your unfair advantage and weave it into everything you communicate.
  4. Substantiate Your Claims: While confidence is critical, back it up! Testimonials, case studies, and data points show prospects that you're the real deal.


When Your Position Takes Hold

Like those early explorers, sometimes you have to defend your territory. But often, crafting a strong, targeted message with conviction leads to ideal customers and clients recognizing your value upfront. You move from salesperson to trusted advisor.


Common Positioning Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them!

  • Being Too Generic: "One-size-fits-all" messaging blends in. Get hyper-focused on your niche and the pain points you solve best.
  • Lack of Differentiation: Price becomes the deciding factor if customers need to see the difference between you and competitors. 
  • Inconsistent Messaging: Positioning isn't a tagline; it's how you show up in everything you do. A mismatch must be clarified for buyers.

The Psychology Behind Powerful Positioning

  • Primacy Effect: People tend to remember and trust what they learn first. A bold, clear initial position sets the tone.
  • Scarcity Principle: Positioning yourself as the expert with limited availability makes your time and services feel more valuable.
  • Social Proof: Seeing others trust you reinforces your credibility with potential clients ("Everyone else is using this; it must be good!")


Positioning as a Proactive, Ongoing Strategy

The best sales professionals don't wait to be noticed. They proactively shape the conversation,  and their positioning evolves. Here's how to stay strong:

  • Know Your Competition: Keep an eye on what others offer, refining your differentiators to stay ahead.
  • Evolve with Your Market: Adjust your positioning to maintain relevance as your ideal customer shifts or new pain points emerge.
  • Consistency is Key: Your positioning should infuse everything, from your website to your sales conversations.


Additional Strategies for Positioning Power

  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with other businesses that serve a similar audience but are not direct competitors. This expands your reach and builds credibility.
  • Become a Community Leader: Share knowledge, participate in industry groups, and be seen as a go-to resource. This positions you as an authority.
  • Embrace the 'No': Turning down clients who aren't a perfect fit strengthens your positioning as a specialist, not a generalist chasing any sale.


The Strategic Dance of Competitive Positioning

In the competitive sales landscape, strategic positioning is akin to a dance – a delicate balance between asserting your unique value proposition and understanding your competitors' moves. It's not just about being different for the sake of it but strategically positioning yourself in a way that highlights your strengths while addressing market gaps.

To master this dance, conduct thorough competitor research. Identify their strengths and weaknesses, and use that knowledge to craft a positioning strategy that showcases your distinct advantages. Remember, successful positioning isn't about being better than everyone else; it's about being better in ways that matter most to your target audience.

Niche Domination: The Power of Laser-Focused Positioning

Niche domination through laser-focused positioning is a game-changer in sales. Instead of appealing to a broad audience, zero in on a niche where you can excel and become the go-to expert. This approach allows you to tailor your messaging, products, and services to address the precise needs of your niche market.

When you dominate a niche, you position yourself as the ultimate solution provider for that segment. Your expertise becomes unquestionable, increasing trust, loyalty, and, ultimately, a tremendous success. Remember, it's not about serving everyone; it's about serving the right ones exceptionally well.

The Evolution of Positioning: Adapting to Changing Market Dynamics

Positioning isn't static; it evolves with market dynamics, customer preferences, and industry trends. As a sales professional, it's crucial to continuously assess and adapt your positioning strategy to remain relevant and competitive.

Keep a pulse on market shifts, customer feedback, and emerging technologies. Use this information to refine your messaging, update your value proposition, and stay ahead of the curve. Embracing change and proactively adjusting your positioning ensures you're always positioned for success in a dynamic business environment.

The Persona Puzzle: Tailoring Positioning to Ideal Customer Personas

Effective positioning goes hand in hand with understanding your ideal customer personas. Each persona has unique pain points, preferences, and priorities, requiring tailored positioning strategies to resonate with them effectively.

Take the time to create detailed customer personas based on demographics, behaviors, and psychographics. Then, align your positioning messages to address each persona's needs and aspirations. When your positioning speaks directly to the heart of your target audience, you establish a powerful connection that drives conversions and loyalty.

Beyond Products: Positioning Your Brand Experience

In today's sales landscape, it's not just about selling products; it's about delivering exceptional brand experiences. Your positioning should reflect what you offer, how you make customers feel, and the value of the overall experience.

Consider every touchpoint – from pre-purchase interactions to post-sale support. Infuse your positioning with elements that showcase your brand's personality, values, and commitment to customer satisfaction. When customers perceive your brand as more than just a transaction but a trusted partner in their success, you create lasting relationships and elevate your success.


Ready to Claim Your Success?

Stop blending in and start standing out! Let's work together to transform your positioning and claim the authority you deserve. Alex of Griffin Hill can take your business to the next level. Schedule your free session now and unlock your potential.

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