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Remember To Memorialize

Cameron Baird
May 10, 2016

As the 4th of July approaches, families across America eagerly anticipate gatherings filled with barbecues and fireworks. Yet, amidst the festivities, it's crucial to remember the more profound significance of this holiday—the celebration of the Hope of America. At Griffin Hill, we view the Hope of America through the lens of entrepreneurship, recognizing the spirit of innovation and determination that has propelled our nation forward. As we commemorate Independence Day, it's an opportune time to reflect on the principles of action, courage, and perseverance that have defined the American spirit throughout history.

Honoring Heroes:

Arlington National Cemetery stands as a solemn testament to the sacrifices made by countless men and women in service to our nation. The tomb of the Unknown Soldier serves as a poignant symbol of reverence and respect for those who have given their lives in defense of freedom. But memorialization extends beyond the confines of a cemetery; it is a profound act that honors the legacy of our fallen heroes and preserves their memory for future generations.

Personal Reflections:

During my time of service, I had the privilege of supporting Team Speicher—a dedicated group tasked with the solemn mission of bringing closure to the family of CPT Scott Speicher, a Naval Pilot who was shot down over Iraq during the Gulf War in 1991. Despite the passage of 18 years before his remains were discovered in 2009, the commitment to "leave no man behind" remained unwavering. Working alongside these dedicated individuals was both humbling and inspiring, highlighting the steadfast resolve of our armed forces to honor and remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

The Mission of Remembrance:

CPT Speicher's story is just one of many, underscoring the unwavering commitment of our military to ensure that every fallen comrade is brought home with dignity and respect. From exhaustive search missions to solemn memorial ceremonies, the military leaves no stone unturned in its quest to honor the memory of those who have served and sacrificed for our nation.

Memorial Day: A Time for Reflection:

Each year, as Memorial Day approaches, our nation pauses to honor the memory of those who have served and sacrificed in defense of freedom. It is a day of solemn remembrance, a time to reflect on the profound sacrifices made by our servicemen and women throughout history. As we gather with family and friends, let us take a moment to pay tribute to the heroes who have served our country.

The Legacy of Sacrifice:

The legacy of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice lives on in the hearts and minds of all who cherish freedom. Their courage, dedication, and selflessness are an enduring reminder of the values that define our nation. Whether on the battlefield or in the quiet moments of remembrance, their sacrifice is a testament to the strength and resilience of the American spirit.

Honoring Heroes, Past and Present:

As we observe Memorial Day and pay tribute to the heroes of the past, let us also honor the brave men and women who serve our nation today. From the front lines of battle to the communities they serve, these modern-day heroes embody the same spirit of courage and sacrifice that has defined our nation throughout history. Let us express our gratitude for their service and commitment to preserving freedom for future generations.

The Importance of Memorialization:

Memorialization serves as a vital means of preserving the memory of our nation's heroes for generations to come. By honoring their sacrifices and commemorating their service, we ensure that their legacy lives on in the collective consciousness of our society. Moreover, memorialization provides an opportunity for healing and reflection, allowing us to unite to express our gratitude and respect for those who have given their lives to defend our freedoms.

The Role of Communities:

Communities play a crucial role in the memorialization process, providing support and solidarity to families who have lost loved ones in service to our country. Through memorial services, parades, and other commemorative events, communities come together to honor the sacrifices of our nation's heroes and show appreciation for their service. Additionally, local initiatives such as memorial plaques, monuments, and scholarships serve as lasting tributes to the bravery and sacrifice of our fallen servicemen and women.

Education and Remembrance:

Education is a powerful tool for ensuring that future generations understand and appreciate the sacrifices made by our nation's heroes. By incorporating lessons on patriotism, sacrifice, and service into school curricula, we can instill a sense of reverence and respect for our country's military history. Furthermore, initiatives such as oral history projects, museum exhibits, and documentary films provide valuable opportunities for individuals to learn about veterans' experiences and understand the human cost of war.

As we reflect on the significance of Memorial Day, let us remember the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation. Their selfless devotion and unwavering courage are a beacon of hope and inspiration. Let us honor their memory with gratitude, reverence, and respect, and let us never forget the debt of gratitude we owe to those who have given their lives in service to our country. May we always honor their sacrifice, and may their legacy inspire future generations to strive for a better world.

Griffin Hill Congratulates Mike Madsen

Mike Madsen of BidSync. BidSync provides a software solution to municipalities and other government units required to purchase through a bidding process. Their software makes the whole process easier to manage. Mike approached me after our last coaching session in July. He had a great opportunity to secure introductions to new potential customers. Existing customers were so pleased with the BidSync solution that they invited Mike and his team to present ideas to an Allied group of cities and counties. We considered some plays that would put the odds of success in their favor. As a result Mike’s customers shared proofs with other conference attendees. The proofs demonstrated cost savings of managing the bid process and securing successful bidders at a price substantially below expected costs for various projects. Not only that but the other government representatives were so impressed, they asked Mike how he could help them.

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Ask the Right Questions

We are all aware of the importance of asking good questions. But many sales professionals might not know how to create them. In the Needs Audit we have the opportunity to ask our prospects status quo queries. The purpose of these questions is to create an epiphany of value in the minds of our prospects so that status quo is no longer acceptable.

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Accurate Forecasting Requires Accurate Data - Griffin Hill

Accurate Forecasting Requires Accurate Data


Accurate Forecasting Requires Accurate Data


Research has shown that severe and abnormal weather disrupts 70% of businesses worldwide.  Weather forecasting is, therefore, a valuable tool for owners to protect their business from disruption… but only if the forecast is accurate.  Weather forecasters know this, and as a result collect as much data about the present state of the atmosphere and calculate potential developments using high-tech models.

Sales team leaders must do the same with their sales data in order to accurately forecast numbers and set targets for their team.  Without accurate data, you won’t be able to create accurate forecasts.

As a sales team leader, you’re probably recording numbers of actions like how many doors were knocked, how many calls were made, how many people were contacted, and how many sales were made.  The problem with using this data as a predictor of future sales is that all of these things happened in the past. None of these numbers reflect actions that are currently happening.

You need a tracking method that embraces the forward momentum of your sales goals.

That’s why using Griffin Hill’s Schedule Next Event Play KPI to track progress through your sales cycle is the only way to get data on what is going on in real-time.  Tracking development in your pipeline by determining whether your sales people have scheduled the next event in the cycle prevents old data from building up in your CRM, misrepresenting progress.  

So instead of sticking your finger in the air and throwing grass into the wind, you’ll be able to collect and record real data on the current state of your sales atmosphere.  You’ll be able to predict results based on what you’re currently doing, not what you did six months ago.

“Because we’re switching the focus from backward activity to forward momentum, now we know how things are truly processing in the sales pipeline.” — Cameron Baird

Engineer your performance based on the data. Solve problems as they’re developing before they can disrupt your progress. Get real data that reflects the reality of your situation as it is now, not in the past.

We’ve written a FREE eBook that gives you access to this play and shows you how to implement it on your team.


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